Energetic Tools and Holistic Support to Empower You as an Empath

  • You are not alone in your ability to feel so much, so deeply!
  • Hear about Soul Energy Types and Empaths.
  • The Awareness Empaths Need for Coping and Thriving in the World.
  • How it is different for Empaths in replationship
  • Learn what it really means to be a sensitive empath and become empowered to live a healthy, purpose-filled life.


Janice Carlin, PhD, is an author, Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Consultant, and teacher. She uniquely combines concepts in science, spirituality, and natural health to inspire and educate people to help themselves, their families, and our world to thrive. She developed a revolutionary natural health modality, The Foundations Healing System, due to her and her son’s needs as highly sensitive empaths, and a desire to empower other sensitive adults and children to understand and work with energy to achieve healing and optimal health.








