Developing Your Intuition through Past Life Regression

Access new levels of your intuitive abilities through past life regression! We unconsciously store past life memories and they can affect your present day circumstances, especially when it comes to your intuitive abilities. Through hypnosis, you can be regressed to a past life causing present day issues with developing your intuition. By making these memories[…]

Be Your Own Oracle!

Attune to Divine Guidance  Empower yourself to make intuitive decisions in all areas of your life  Learn how you can clarify your intentions to align with your soul’s purpose Discover how to tune into your internal guidance for answers to any decisions or inquiries  Understand how life changes when you tune into this Divine guidance![…]

Asking the Right Questions

What is dowsing? Can anyone learn to dowse? What is dowsing used for? How can dowsing be beneficial for your life? Why bother mastering it? How to get the most from your dowsing   Maggie and Nigel Percy met online through their mutual interest in dowsing in the year 2000. Nigel was in the UK,[…]

Hacking the Afterlife with Rich Martini

“Hacking the Afterlife” offers that it’s possible to obtain “new information” from people no longer on the planet.  These “afterlife interviews” offer practical advice (“afterlife hacks”) on how to navigate our lives and improve our planet.  Martini’s inspiration and curiosity comes from the technique used by Dr. Michael Newton that allows people to access the between[…]

Practical Shamanism

Practical Shamanism: Ancient Wisdom for Your Life Receive insights about Shamanism and how to apply it to your life Explore our connection to the Ancestors and how they can help you today Learn about Dr. Farmer’s Soul Healings and other aspects of Shamanic Healing Understand how connecting with your inner shaman connects you to your[…]