
I invite you to make a cup of your favorite tea, get your notebook and set your intention to take away 1 thing from each discussion that you can begin to apply to developing your intuition today


Ana Maria Vasquez, Multi-Sensory Intuitive Energy Tracker

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Uncover, develop and hone your intuitive abilities at an even deeper level!
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Pay it forward! 10% of profits from this series will be donated to LightShine Canine: A Rez Dog Rescue!

Ana Maria Vasquez

“Your host for the Series”
I’m so glad
here and
for the opportunity
to connect

I welcome you with a big bright smile and infectious laughter! I’ve been an educator, trainer & coach for more than 19 years in various areas of personal transformation.

I’m a natural energy reader, an interpreter of sorts, and I lift the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. As a multi-sensory intuitive, I’m able to tune in and see the places where your limiting beliefs are getting you stuck in old ways of being and showing up in the world. I have a profound connection with nature & animals and specialize in working with them because they act as mirrors to our inner landscape and help us make shifts that on our own we wouldn’t do.

I’m also a certified Intuitve Strategist and I serve on the faculty of the Academy for the Soul. My prayer and intention is to BE of service and that prayer is the impetus for the creation of the Here We Grow Again webinar series.