Essential Oils for Animals

    Discover the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils and how they can be used to improve the health & wellbeing and that of our animals. Learn the different grades of oils, various applications for oils and the modalities they complement. Know the specific parameters and safety considerations when selecting oils, particularly for cats. Cherie will take[…]

Important Note

These interviews were recorded BEFORE the FDA gag rule on essential oils was enacted. The FDA specifically bans information about essential oils for specific conditions. Before you listen, know that none of this is endorsed by the FDA.

Essential Oils for Animals

Cherie Ross  -Discover the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils and how they can be used to improve the health & wellbeing and that of our animals. -Learn the different grades of oils, various applications for oils and the modalities they complement. Know the specific parameters and safety considerations when selecting oils, particularly for cats. Cherie will take[…]

Using Essential Oils to Develop Your Intuition

Cherie Ross Essential oils and natural extracts are the “soul” of a plant, possessing tremendous power and energy! Like all natural substances, essential oils contain spiritual forces and energy that affect the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and etheric bodies, and they affect your vibrations in one way or another. Essential oils help you expand out of the physical[…]

Essential Oils for Animals

Tuesday, July 22, 2014Noon Los Angeles/1pm Denver/2pm Chicago 3pm New York/8pm London Cherie Ross Discover the benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils and how they can be used to improve the health & wellbeing and that of our animals. Learn the different grades of oils, various applications for oils and the modalities they complement. Know the specific parameters[…]

Natural Allergy Relief with Essential Oils for People & Animals

Thursday, April 17th 9am Los Angeles/10am Denver/11am Chicago Noon New York/5pm London Cherie Ross Achieve outstanding results in treating your family & animals with allergies and other common ailments using essential oils. Learn about nature’s medicine for preventing & treating allergies & more! Essential Oils dramatically improve our body’s ability to slow down, and in many cases, reverse the aging process on a cellular level, including damaging environmental effects.  […]

Essential Oils to Uncover Your Purpose

Thursday, January 16th Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Cherie Ross Essential oils and natural extracts are the “soul” of a plant, possessing tremendous power and energy! Like all natural substances, essential oils contain spiritual forces and energy that affect the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and etheric bodies, and they affect your vibrations in one way or another.[…]

Essential Oils to Uncover Your Intuition

Thursday, November 14th Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Cherie Ross Essential oils and natural extracts are the “soul” of a plant, possessing tremendous power and energy! Like all natural substances, essential oils contain spiritual forces and energy that affect the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and etheric bodies, and they affect your vibrations in one way or another.[…]

Essential Oil Use for Animals

Thursday, May 30, Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Dr. Melissa Shelton, DVM Make sure to have your notebook ready as this promises to be a info packed conversation about using essential oils with your animals: Are essential oils safe for animals? Even cats???  Essential Oils that Can Replace traditional veterinary medications.   Recommendations for[…]

Beyond the Basics: Essential Oils

Cherie Ross Achieve outstanding results in treating your family & animals from bacterial infection, disease, wounds and other common ailments using essential oils. Learn about nature’s medicine for preventing & treating allergies, colds, flu, injuries, viruses & more serious health challenges! Essential Oils dramatically improve our body’s ability to slow down, and in many cases,[…]