Locating Lost Animals

Lori Spagna

          • Learn about using animal communication and other effective techniques to find a lost animal
          • This is something that isn’t practiced or shared ny many animal communicators, so get ready for some amazing insights!
          • It is time to radically change the way we interact with all animals on this planet, and our animal companions are here to teach us how.

Lori Spagna radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Maui.  Lori is the author of 2 Years in Maui and was featured in the soon to be released HBO Movie, Animals in the Afterlife. She has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world and is an internationally recognized expert, speaker and author who provides seminars and workshops about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals. As a Visionary, Lightworker, Intuitive and Healer, Lori also leads powerful manifestation and healing circles where she assists people and their pets tap into their true power via The Universal Source which connects us all. For more information, please visit:
www.LoriSpagna.comwww.efilsgod.com ,
www.efilsgodDogTraining.com  or www.efilsgodSpirit.com