Intuition: The Key to your Dreams!

Tuesday, December 10th
Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London

Cordelia Brabbs

          • Learn how your intuition can unlock your dream life and help you take step-by-step action towards creating a joyful, empowered life.
          • Why it’s so important to be friends with your intuition and trust your team of divine guides if you want to break free from old 3D limitations and create a new-paradigm life that you love on your terms.
  • Understand that trusting your divine guidance can sometimes be scary, and discover how to overcome those inner doubts, trust the guidance and be a Warrior of Light on the path to your purpose.


Cordelia Francesca Brabbs is a Freedom Mentor to healers, coaches and conscious entrepreneurs who want to create a spiritual business and dream lifestyle they love. Cordelia loves to shake up reality, and inspires people to follow their heart, their dreams and their desires – especially if it means rebelling against the old 3D paradigms and creating something totally new. Her healing work encompasses a variety of tools including high-vibration Diamond Light, which helps rewire people at a deep DNA and cellular level to be aligned with their dreams. She is known and loved by her private clients for being willing to go into the deepest places and break them out of the most ancient, stuck blocks holding them back. Cordelia is living the life of her dreams: travelling to beautiful and sacred places around the world, and running a successful spiritual business from her laptop as she follows her intuition into the next adventure.

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