Special Offer Body Code for Animals

– The Body Code to Health Special Offer –

Linda is offering 20% off her already reasonably priced Body Code rates for Here We Grow Again listeners. This rate applies to new clients only.  The 20% off applies whether your initial purchase is for one session or up to 10 sessions.  Subsequent sessions will be at the regular rate.  Sessions can be used for animals OR people.  If you choose to purchase multiple sessions to take advantage of the biggest discount, you can use some yourself and some for your animal(s).

To take advantage of the 20% discount, after filling out the appropriate Intake Form,  you must use the code HERE WE GROW in the referral box to receive your discount.  As the site isn’t set up to compute the discount, do not use the Paypal check-out!  I will invoice you manually within 24hrs with your discounted price.  Payment must be made within 24 hours of receiving the Invoice,  though sessions can be used as needed.

Fill out your intake form here to request your session: