Self-Doubt & Intuition

Tuesday, November 12 Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT How does being psychic differ from being heart-telepathic? How do we focus on the highest good for all and also honor our individual needs How do we address the issue of self-doubt with intuition? Are some people naturally more intuitive? Can[…]

Develop Your Intuition, Get Clear on Your Gifts, and Know How You Flow Energy!

Tuesday, November 5th Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Christel Hughes Hear about Chritstel’s journey to uncover and develop her intuitive abilities Learn simple and powerful ways to maximize the management of your energy so that you have more of your vital life force energy that you need to do what you came here to do! Christel will do live energy readings to help you see what is blocking you from receiving[…]

Bonus Call: Opening Up to Your Intuitive Abilities

Wednesday, November 6th Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Phaeryn Sheehan Hear about Phaeryn’s personal journey to developing her intuition She will share with us how she discerns between ego & Spirit messages Learn specific tips, techniques & practices for opening up to your intuitive abilities Phaeryn Sheehan is a Spiritual Intuitive/Channel and Teacher of Ascended Master Consciousness and the Spiritual Director[…]

Mastering Clairvoyance

Thursday, October 24th Noon PT/1pm MT/2pm CT/3pm ET/8pm London Lynn McKenzie How you can use Clairvoyance to make decisions and move forward powerfully with clarity and a deep inner knowing (and inner peace) How Clairvoyance enables you to enter the quantum field and be a deliberate creator of your reality The role Clairvoyance plays in manifesting How you can use Clairvoyance for healing yourself, others and even your[…]