Become a Certified Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor or a Certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner!

Become a Certified Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor (TNC)


Upon TNC certification, you will be able to present numerous classes on detoxing, food prep, EMF’s, GMO’s, natural therapies, health and nutrition and feel confident in your understanding of each aspect of natural health.  You may start your own practice and help guide others to wellness.
Course Curriculum Covers: How To Detoxify And Strengthen Glands And Organs, Over 45 Modalities Of Natural Healing, Diets Practiced Around The World, Whole Food Vitamins, Isolates, And Synthetics, Minerals And Their Sources, Reading Labels, The Frequencies Of Food, Color, Light, People, Words And Plants, Different Types Of Water Not Limited To: Distilled, Osmosis, Filtered, Alkaline, Spring, Well, And City Water, GMO’s And EMF’s. Completion of this segment  entitles the student to an TNC diploma certifiable by the Association of Natural Health.

Become a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (H.H.P.)  


The Holistic Healthcare Practitioner degree equips practitioners with an entry level ability to practice, Establish wholesale relationships with product companies, the ability to order lab testing for patients, the right to charge a fee for your valuable time and experience
The course is taught by Jeffrey Essen ND.  Dr. Essen.  A modular method is used with recorded dialogue that follows PowerPoint presentations. The learning of the “4-Points Whole Body Balancing Program,” will be taught in person during the 3 day intensive course held at Karen’s Energy in Utah or Wisconsin.  This 3 day segment focuses on removing blockages and traumas from body systems to balance the emotional terrain. This new and totally unique form of testing allows deep access to emotional barriers; bypassing the conscious mind. Completion of this segment, and the final exam, entitle the student to an HHP diploma certifiable by the Association of Natural Health and the American Naturopathic Medical Association.